Working hours
- Pzt-Cum 08:00 - 18:00
Cumartesi 09:00 - 16:00
Pazar Kapalı
Telephone: +90 534 209 69 35
Bize Sorun
Non-Surgical Brow Lift

Brow lift is a procedure performed to correct the tired look of the face, sagging that has gradually progressed for years, and to correct the unaesthetic appearance, and to give a younger look and expression.
Especially the eyebrows and the surrounding facial tissue are damaged due to aging, constant muscle movements, fat loss, gravity, sun damage, smoking and alcohol consumption. Brow lift applications help improve the appearance of facial lines and give a youthful appearance.
Non-surgical eyebrow lifting can be performed with single or combined applications of botulinum toxin, filling application, and rope suspension methods. While botulinum toxin application is sufficient for young patients, combined procedures are preferred in patients with advanced age and sagging.